It all started when it was wash day and wife thought she heard water running. Trip out side found a lake growing in the back yard and under the house. Not good.
I was out of town the coming week so all running of water was cut to a minimal so it could dry out and I could get under the house next weekend. We did have a loose pipe and thought that was it but when we washed there it was again and we could not see where it was coming from. So that meant under ground. OH NO.
Another week went by with out using much water no cooking just sandwiches so we didn’t use much water again to dry out.
Had a plumber come out that Sat and he ran a snake down the hole and thank the Lord it was not a broke pipe but roots. Yea! I was getting tired of sandwiches.
Above is one of the other Toms that come by for a snack we call him Badger.
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