It has been very amazing to me the amount of people from all over the world that check my blog to see what they should make for dinner. I started this just to help out my patients and local Pontiac people. I never expected that people in Latvia and Russia and more than 25 countries would stop in. Or that so many non-celiacs would love the "poodle". But gluten-free is not a freaky strange diet. Good food is good food, gluten-free or not. Since I mostly rely on naturally GF ingredients this blog has appealed to a wide cross-section of people.
I really can't be creative under pressure though. Sometimes I will think..."I am going to make my friend, daughter etc. a quilt for Christmas." Well Christmas comes and goes and no quilt. But another time I am playing around and make a cool quilt on some May 26th or something and think...I am going to give this to so and so. And I do.
I know what you are thinking right about now. "What does all this have to do with a turkey salad you crazy woman?" Well, while I was dreaming up a fantastic 200th post, 4 great, quick little meals were prepared on HOT days and they didn't get blogged! So maybe on some random May 26th I'll post an EPIC blog...or maybe not. (No pressure, remember?)
Now, on to the salad. I have been having chicken coming out of my ears. Not literally if you are reading this in a foreign country and Google is translating! So I was in Walmart and bought a package of fresh turkey breast steaks. By the time I got home I was so hot that I just cut up half of the meat, cooked in in a bit of olive oil with salt, pepper and poultry seasoning. It only took a few minutes to cook it until it was not pink. I served it warm over a nice variety of veggies. Check on the blog for some of my salad dressing recipes.
Thank you to all of the people out there that follow my blog. I am grateful to all of you. Leave a comment if you feel so inclined, I would love it.
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