18 Eylül 2012 Salı

Birthday Cake

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Well today is my birthday. When I was young I remember it being a fun day. My brother's birthday was the 13th and mine the 14th of September. We always celebrated on the 13th and for that one day every year we were the same age. As the years march on you start to dread birthdays. Once you pass the 50 mark you can't help thinking that time is marching too quickly...and I am well past 50!

But I am happy and healthy, have great friends and family and am a very fortunate person. I have a job I love where I can help people. Thanks very much to the random lady I helped in the hospital lobby who asked if she could hug me. If 10 minutes of my time could help someone so much I really am lucky. Thanks to the folks in my diabetes class who sang happy birthday to me! Thanks to my co-workers who are always fun, and since 4 of us have a birthday we are meeting for dinner tonight.

I am very blessed to have 2 wonderful daughters and son-in-laws that always act happy to be around me! Last but not least, my husband Mike who is the reason I am writing this post. When I came home from work today he had baked me this gluten-free heart shaped cake. Now I am sure that there are many men out there that love to cook and bake. But in 40 years together he has never done anything like this. His favorite movie is Napoleon Dynamite....if you've never watched it you really need to. In the movie Pedro "builds" a girl a cake. So with the help of gluten-free Betty Crocker cake mix he decided he could "build" one. He had some trouble with the directions, having to "measure" many pans to find an 8 x 8. Unfortunately he had stumbled onto my "specialty pan cupboard" and had to do some geometry in order to decide if a heart shaped pan was 8 x 8! I already tasted it and it was delicious!

The heart shaped cake was very appropriate because to celebrate my birthday I donated to the American heart Association and am going to walk in Bloomington on the 22nd...wearing my Striiv of course!

Thanks to all my loyal viewers! I hope we can share many more birthdays.

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